We’ve come across most situations over the many years that we’ve been successfully helping clients, including:
If you are still working and in the accumulations phase of your wealth. You may wish to engage a professional to take over managing a portfolio so that you can be sure that risk is being monitored and that the portfolio remains suitable for your future aspirations.
If you have just received a lump sum. You may have just downsized your own house, or sold an investment property, inherited some funds, sold a buy-to-let property, downsized your own house.
If you are retiring and looking to be sure of a stable income from your investments or perhaps considering how to pass on assets to the next generation.
If you are a Trustee of either a Trust or a Charity, we have experience of dealing with both. It is very important to engage a professional that understands the aims and objectives of such entities. We take time to understand the background and can work with other advisers to ensure that all the legal and tax considerations are taken into account.
If you have a number of different accounts and investments. You may feel they need to be simplified and perhaps explained to you fully. You may feel that you might like a more personal approach to your investments.
If you have a significant amount in the bank or building society. You may need those funds to generate more income for you.
If you have sold a business, you may have fresh capital to invest and possibly existing investment that could be rationalised and reviewed.
If you or a relative is moving into care and perhaps selling a house and there is a need to generate care home fees.
We are very happy to work with any other advisers that you might have in place to ensure that all aspects of your financial security are considered. We do not offer a Financial Planning Service but can work with your adviser if you have one or recommend one to you if needed.
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